Fornsics 150 Missed Registration by L4FR1
Challange :
Description of chall : It's registration day! These forms just seem longer and longer...
UPDATE 10:44 Eastern: New pcap that should be a bit easier to work with.
UPDATE 2:58 Eastern: We're regenerating due to flag leaks, submissions disabled until then. Please be patient.
Update 3:31 Eastern: Updated pcap with new flag after leak. Please re-run your solutions on the file!
Analyse :
we have a pcap file , we open it with wireshark :
we see a bunch of ARP , NBNS, LLMNR , HTTP , TCP packets .
we try to search for the string "flag" we found nothing .
when use the option TCP follow : Analyze -> Follow -> TCP Stream
we found this :
when we go to the next tcpstream we found that there is two type of Accepte-Encoding , the first one is "identity" and the second one is "gzip, deflate" and we see that there to values a one is "x" and the other "n" .
Solution :
we take all what after the value x= ,wich is an hex, in every flux , and we put them all togther in order , and then run the following command :echo 'the hex you found' | xxd -r -p > flag.bmp.
we get and image that contains the flag ;
Note : couldnt upload the picture , a bad quality.