Web 200 | littlequery : ~H4rD~


// let's start by checking the index page source code

// In the source code we can find this html comment !

` <!--


<div class="col-md-4">

<h2>For Developers</h2>

<p>Check out our <a href="/api/db_explore.php">API</a></p>



// let's check it out ..

// it's look like we can explore the DB using the given api

we will use the schema mode to findout the database structure & available databases & tables

let's try schema first :


// Ok..let's explore the database strucure :


// if we try to dump the data using the preview mode we will notice that it's fillterd and we are not allowed to do that


//we will try to inject the parameter db

so we can miss with the parameter db

let's test this :


// we can notice that the used query are as follows

`select * from$db.$table```

// we can bypass this using this payload :


// here we go !.. we have the hash5896e92d38ee883cc09ad6f88df4934f6b074cf8we can send POST data with curl then just take the cookie in the send response

curl -X POSThttp://littlequery.chal.csaw.io/login.php--data "username=admin&password=5896e92d38ee883cc09ad6f88df4934f6b074cf8" -v Set-Cookie: PHPSESSID=4t34omg2jt4bqqg7dfb5t8qrp5e0; path=//query.php

AND THE FLAG IS : flag{mayb3_1ts_t1m3_4_real_real_escape_string?}

results matching ""

    No results matching ""